Stephen Gould reached out to us with this challenge: How might our website more fully represent our comprehensive capabilities and expertise without overwhelming or confusing users? Our strategy team sought answers by designing and hosting a two-day workshop to create consensus within the company around a bigger-picture question: how might we tell their story best? Check out the full case study through the link.
Cocoknits is an Oakland-based, women-owned small business driven by their love of making things. It was a delight to partner together to create a website that can grow with this flourishing brand’s creative community for years to come. Learn more about our process—full case study is through the link in bio. #chendesign
Our strategy team recently spent two phenomenal days with Stephen Gould, the largest independent product and packaging solutions provider in the US. We facilitated a two-day design strategy workshop with 13 of their top leaders, diving deep into their website’s user experience. It’s always great to be with clients in person and we’re grateful for the opportunity to experience Stephen Gould's dynamic, people-first culture and continue our partnership building the brand together.