For a storied hotel in Hopland, CA, we experimented with visuals that would appeal to modern-day pioneers, invoking a pleasurable sense of adventure and a contemporary experience of heritage. We accomplished this by bridging the best of the past with the energy of renewal, honoring a living community’s roots — and planting surprises along the way. Check out our explorations further through the link in our bio.
As a small business, we know what a tough time this has been and will continue to be for others our size. Past and current clients of ours are working hard to continue to bring joy in the form of delicious takeout or delivery, like @craftsmanwolves, @ashateahouse, and @venusspirits. Check out more great businesses on our Stories to support! 📷: @craftsmanwolves, @ashateahouse, and @venusspirits
Saving what matters in these times has taken on new meaning, beyond the original intent of @stasherbag #SaveWhatMatters campaign, and we're inspired to see Stasher continue making moves for healthy people, along with a healthy planet. Our work in crafting handwritten logos, illustrations, and infographics was done with those same values of generosity, community, and interconnectedness in mind. Let’s take care of each other. View more from the project through link in bio. #chendesign
Stasher is on a mission to reduce the use of single-use plastics and their harmful effects on the earth, and Save What Matters is their campaign to empower people to join them in their efforts. We partnered with @stasherbag to bring the look and feel of #SaveWhatMatters to life, and are excited to share more soon. #chendesign
We provided custom illustrations featuring adorable animals in their natural habitats for @alaffia’s Baobab Baby and Kids line in order to better emotionally connect with customers. Throughout this whole process, we immersed ourselves in the roots and essence of the brand, and our team is proud to be creative partner to Alaffia and support its mission of advancing education, sustainable living, and gender equality to African communities. To see the full case study, click through to the link in our profile! #alaffia #chendesign
Our task was to solve the challenge of the complexity and scale of our client’s extensive offerings, and we united six different collections—each with their distinct audiences, multiple lines and scents—cohesively under one parent brand. For @alaffia’s Authentic African Black Soap collection, we customized letterforms that meld a love for handcrafted tradition with a modern African-tastemaker ethos. Read more about our process through the link in our profile.
We were charged to “bring back the soul” of the @Alaffia brand through reimagining its identity and packaging, and are excited to share the outcome of our partnership! Alaffia empowers women’s futures and entire communities in Togo, West Africa through their social enterprise model and we wanted to provide unmistakable brand recognition through a contemporary and bold, yet refined and joyful look. Check out the full case study through the link in our profile.
Our team explored how a balanced interplay between playful and refined could come to life. A neutral palette with pops of color and clean typography (with a nod to the “cauldron” where ice cream is freshly made) all came together to rebuild @cauldronicecream‘s image. Take a look at the full case study through the link in bio. #chendesign (2/3)
With bustling lines, internet fame, and franchises opening left and right, the founders of @CauldronIceCream realized that their current branding needed a refresh and we happily became their creative partners. We believe that great design is grounded in thoughtful brand strategy, so after an inspiring workshop with the team, we researched, synthesized, and defined a brand ethos to set Cauldron apart in a crowded marketplace of tasty desserts. Check out the full case study through the link in bio! #chendesign (1/3)
“CDA has been an incredible partner for us in bringing this brand to life. From day one, they dug deep to really understand what we were looking for. Their vast experience and depth of team talent, coupled with their thought-provoking partnership style, is rare and powerful.”—Cindy Feinauer, GM of Purist
Our creative campaign to launch the Purist brand and its first release brought together CDA’s expertise in powerful ways. We provided integrated strengths in photography, video, messaging, and developed the identity and brand voice across print catalog, ads, trade show booth, and environmental graphics.
Recovery after the Napa, Sonoma, and Mendocino fires is a long-term effort, but it's been heartening to see communities near and far come together to help. We donated our time to design the brand identity and assets for @chefsgiving, a weeklong fundraiser with more than 100 restaurants in the Bay Area committing to raising $1 million for fire relief. Check out their page for more info on how you can support!
The Laurel Inn is a boutique hotel in the charming Pacific Heights neighborhood in SF with strong mid-century modern sensibilities. We had the opportunity to build a new brand identity system, which included exploring and creating custom typography for the logo. Read through our lead designer's thoughts behind the concept below and swipe left to see more photos! - "I wanted to create something quiet and refined, elegant and practical. Instead of scrapping the previous mark concept (a laurel), I thought it would be nice to simplify the icon to something more symbolic, less illustrative. In contrast to the organic mark, the letters are angular (referring to the exterior) and funky — the contrast of the letters flares in a way that alludes to common shapes in mid-century culture."—@yehoshuawhite #chendesign